Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Berry's New Provost: Dr. Kathryn Whatley

By Lindsey Banks, COM 301
Edited and posted by Kate Fitchett, COM 303

The search is over for Berry College.

Dr. Kathryn Whatley now holds the title of provost and chief academic officer, and the challenging task of managing all of the academics of the institution.

Whatley, the newest addition to the staff at Berry, began work in her office in Hermann Hall on March 17, 2008, and is still trying to learn all of the responsibilities of the provost at Berry. The provost is in charge of everything that composes the academics of the college, including the faculty, the academic programs and, in the absence of the president, serves as the acting president.
Dr. Kathryn Whatley
Photo courtesy of Berry College

The Search
In order to ensure that the best candidate for Berry’s provost was selected, students and faculty came together to form the provost search committee.

“We were looking for someone who was willing to work with President [Stephen] Briggs, work with his plans and was passionate about making that plan reality,” said Laura Sutton, a student on the provost search committee and the president of the student government association.

Whatley discovered Berry’s search for a provost in an online advertisement, and some of her friends and colleagues encouraged her to apply. She said she immediately found Berry to be at the center of an appealing environment.

“I was attracted to the whole culture and the head, the heart and the hands theme. The academic reputation of Berry is impressive, too,” said Whatley.

Sutton said she was an immediate fan of Whatley and wanted her to get to know the students as soon as possible.

“One of the reasons Dr. Whatley was the best candidate is because she is open and approachable for students. She understands the mission of Berry and is passionate about students,” said Sutton.

The Transition
Whatley said that she is prepared to take on all of the responsibilities of provost at Berry. She has been actively involved in higher education since her graduation from Wake Forest University with an undergraduate degree in physics. Whatley went on to complete her graduate and doctorate degree in experimental nuclear physics from Duke University.

Whatley was involved in the administration at her previous institution, The University of North Carolina at Asheville, for more than 20 years. Her strong background in academic administration is a result of her time spent in the position equivalent to the interim provost at UNC Asheville.

“I learned so much from her about leadership and about the work of academic affairs. And we had great fun, too!” said Edward Katz, the former Dean of University Programs at UNC Asheville and Whatley’s co-worker for five years.

Katz did not want to see her leave UNC Asheville, but admitted that it was a good chance for her.

“I think that she will bring a wealth of experience to Berry College, along with a deep commitment to students and faculty,” said Katz.

Whatley said that leaving her position as interim provost at UNC Asheville was wrenching, but she believes that Berry is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

“It was a good time for my family to make the transition. I felt like we needed to
take advantage of a new opportunity,” said Whatley.

Whatley is married to Jac Whatley and they have two children, Katie, 21, and Michael, 18. Whatley said that having two children in college will help her to relate to parents who are bringing their children to college for the first time. Dr. Kathy McKee, interim provost prior to Whatley, said that Whatley will bring a different, parent-like perspective to the provost position and is glad that she came to Berry.

The Learning
McKee said that Whatley is still getting acclimated with the college and is going to learn more about Berry this summer. McKee is still working closely with Whatley and doing everything that she can to help the new provost.

“She is delightful. Her immediate focus is getting to know the institution and coming to understand how we are organized. This summer she is going to gain a deeper knowledge in the academic programs and their strengths,” said McKee.

Whatley has always wanted to be in higher education. When she was a student at Wake Forest, the provost Edwin Wilson had a strong impact on her life. One of her professors once asked her what she wanted to be when she grows up and she said, “I want to be Provost Wilson when I grow up.”

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